感動の一杯:牛肉まぜそばの魅力 An impressive Ramen: The charm of beef mazesoba



それは岩手県盛岡市にあるRamen ikkenさんです。









もう一枚は前日の牛肉まぜそばの感動冷めやらぬまま、翌日別の一杯も食べようと思い連日Ramen ikkenさんにお邪魔し食べた煮干しラーメン平打ち麵大盛煮卵トッピングです。





Hello, this is Tokai Mentaro.

In this article, I would like to introduce the most impressive ramen  I ate in 2023.

That is Ramen ikken in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture.

I visited the store when I went on a business trip in July of last year.

Beef Mazesoba was the most impressive ramen I had last year.

It was cool, the noodles were thin but had a good elasticity, and the flavored grated yam instead of soup was delicious.

I felt it was better with the wasabi garnish.

The main ingredients were one okra and one piece of beef, and they were perfectly balanced and perfect.

This cup was the main dish of this business trip.

I feel that it is the best among cool noodles.


The other one is the dried sardine ramen flat noodles topped with a soft boiled egg, which I visited Ramen ikken every day and ate because I was still impressed with the beef mazesoba from the day before and wanted to try another one the next day.

When you drink the soup, the taste of dried sardines spreads in your mouth, but the aftertaste is not bad, and when you put it in your mouth with the noodles and ingredients, it feels well-balanced.

The ingredients were perfectly cooked, and the soft-boiled eggs, crunchy green onions, long, crisp menma, and well-cooked meat were all wonderful.

This is a shop I definitely want to stop by when I go to Morioka again.

Ramen ikken 2023年7月限定牛肉まぜそば

Ramen ikken 煮干しラーメン平打ち麵大盛煮卵トッピング